Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI I completed my sentence for a scram bracelet...

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I completed my 60 day sentence for my scram ankle monitor but I'm out of town for the holidays can I remove it myself without violating. And also if I leave it on does it still take readings until I get it removed
Why don't you ask your P.O. or your lawyer?
In consideration of that they usually require a special tool to remove them, do you not think that it is intended to not be self removed?

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I completed my 60 day sentence for my scram ankle monitor but I'm out of town for the holidays can I remove it myself without violating. And also if I leave it on does it still take readings until I get it removed

I suggest you do what you were told to do when you began serving probation.

An inmate's time is up in prison.

He just doesn't walk away because the time is up.

He has to be formally processed and then he's released.

I suggest you contact your PO, and ask him or her what you should to do now that your time is up.

By the way, your time isn't up until the PO recommends it to the judge, who must sign an order terminating your probation.

Try this any other way, and you are setting yourself up for failure.

In fact, your time may not be up, because your PO might refuse to recommend your successful completion of ALL requirements, fines, fees, classes, counseling, reimbursements, etc... associated with your program.

That is why you stay in communication with your PO.

Now, if you've been not required to report regularly, as the time winds down you should contact the Probation Office to see what you must do to transition from your program.
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