I didn't know I was moving into a slum!!!!!!!!!

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New Member
I'll try to keep this short and sweet and to the point. I had an apartment reserved for 3 weeks. On 8/31/09 the tenants gave the keys to management. I was to move in on 9/5/09. Management told me the apartment would be ready, but that it ( the apt ) was bad. They didn't tell me how bad it was. Imagine my surprise when I went to move in.

First of all, it took me 5 tries to get the key to turn in the lock. Got the door open and the nauseating odor that came out could just about knock you over. We proceeded to move my stuff in anyway. Where else was I going to put my stuff at? While moving in myself and my friend took a tour of my apt. We found the doors all had scribble marks from the child/ren who lived there, massive stains on the carpet, dirt on the ceiling, no drip pans on the stove, kitchen drawers and cabinents dirty, bathroom tubs cracking / peeling, strong animal urine/feces odor, linoleum very dirty and not swept.

The maintenance guy came around when were moving things in and told me the reason the apt wasn't done yet is because he was too busy with other maintenance items such as a/c units that were going out. He couldn't paint my apt b/c he didn't have enough paint and his sprayer wasn't working and he was tired. Excuses.

Because it was a 3 day weekend, I couldn't get management to look at the apt until tuesday. I took 72 pictures and e-mailed them to the manager. She e-mailed me back telling me how embarrassed she was, etc.

I called the slumlord hotline yesterday, 9/8/09. Waiting on a call back there. Spoke with management yesterday also. She offered to put us into an upstairs 2 br, put us into a 1 br until my 2 br was done, discount my rent, give me an extra month free. Of course trying to get me to stay. I told her that I want to break my lease and move out on saturday, 9/12/09, and have my money refunded or have the apt carpet replaced and have a deep cleaning on the apt. She refused. She said the owners won't put new carpet in any of the units. There is 15 units that need new carpet!! I also told her that I would be letting the corporate office know what's going on. She then proceeded to tell me that if I do that, that she'll lose her job.

When asked about my refund, she told me that they (corporate) won't let her refund my money. "But wait", I said "isn't $200.00 of the $335.00 that I gave you my refundabledeposit??" No answer.

I have not heard anything from management today, 9/9/09.

So I guess the question now is what do I do from here? I have found a new complex to move into. So I'm good there. But what do I do about management and getting my money back? Please, any advise is welcome. Thank You.
May I ask why you didn't view this apartment before you decided to rent it?

Do you have a written lease? If so, what is the length of the lease?

I viewed the model apartment because my apartment wasn't "ready" yet and she couldn't show it to me. I signed a 13 month lease. This was a bait and switch kind of deal. I may be able to go to small claims court to get my money back. All I want is my money back and to move.
From your original posting it certainly appears that management is attempting to remedy this situation. They have offered you another unit, have offered you temporary housing until your place can be cleaned up, have offered to reduce your rent and have offered you free rent. These are all quite reasonable solutions.

The issue that comes up in terms of legally allowing a tenant to break a lease without the risk of financial penalities is if management REFUSES to do anything to remedy the situation. This doesn't appear to be the case here. In five days time management has come up with several solutions.

You need to rethink your decision in regards to breaking a lease without giving management a chance to remedy the issues you've brought up. If you don't you might find yourself in court, being sued for breaking a 13 month lease and owing rent until another tenant can be found to take your place.

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