Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft I didnt shoplift- but my friend did. Will I get in trouble?


New Member
California- A friend was caught with merchandise in her bag in the Kohls parking lot. I had nothing on me. They (LP) took us to their office and dumped her bag, took our information (which I gave mine because I was innocent and didn't want to escalate the situation, I didn't want them to call the cops on my friend). No cops were called. They had us sign a no trespass thing for 2 years, and said she would get a bill/ notice in the mail (civil demand).

My question is- if they send me a civil demand because they have my information, do I need to pay? I never touched the merchandise, we were just there together. I just worry about it going to court if I refuse to pay. I have a squeaky clean record and am probably being really paranoid about how this will affect my future.
My question is- if they send me a civil demand because they have my information, do I need to pay?

The main thing you want to recall is that you weren't charged.

You also must stay out of any of their stores for two years.

Paying the civil demand is up to you.

If choose not to pay the demand, you won't be sent to jail or prison.

In all likelihood, if you ignore the civil demand, the scm firm that sends it to you will lose interst in you very quickly.

Those scammers don't want to fight to get money, they want to bully idiots into giving them money.

You would also be smart to break all ties with the THIEF and any other THIEVES who claim to be your friend.
I am a Retail Theft Consultant and answer questions like yours daily. If you were present and possibly had knowledge of theft you could be charged as well if store (you should not have named) decides to pursue criminal charges. Not paying civil Demand could provoke that filing. Where its true most recovery firms dont invest the time and money collecting these funds some do and the consequences can be long term and severe. Read the links below on Civil Demand. In addition if you ever want to work in retail you also need to be concerned if this store uses a retail theft database they placed your name in now.
I am a Retail Theft Consultant and answer questions like yours daily. If you were present and possibly had knowledge of theft you could be charged as well if store (you should not have named) decides to pursue criminal charges. Not paying civil Demand could provoke that filing. Where its true most recovery firms dont invest the time and money collecting these funds some do and the consequences can be long term and severe. Read the links below on Civil Demand. In addition if you ever want to work in retail you also need to be concerned if this store uses a retail theft database they placed your name in now.

A recent writing of mine - Parent Nook Forums

Civil Recovery

I did not have knowledge. They even heard me say in the parking lot to my friend "do you have anything?". My back was turned to her a lot. We had a fitting room together at one point trying on bras, but again, my back was turned to her as to not fully expose myself and all bras were accounted for. LP verified that.
A valid claim can be made you had knowledge. Its my opinion you pay Civil Demand and choose new friends and even request your friend repay you for Civil Demand
Nobody will be able to prove you had knowledge of the theft without you admitting it.
The best thing you can do is stop talking about it with anyone.
You might not get a demand letter, but your name could get into their retail theft database. I'm assuming you are not a minor. The language of the document you signed could be problematic, but wouldn't even come up except for background investigations for employment. You will just have to wait and see. If you are a minor then the document is meaningless.
If you do get a demand letter consider taking it to a a local attorney for advice on whether or not to pay. Payment is optional.

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