I don't know girlfriend in help

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New Member
ok well my girl friend is 16 and turns 17 on thanksgiving and she wants to move out cause her mom mentally abuses her....her mother callse her nasty names and constantly yells at her and won't let her do anything. She is wanting to get emancipated and i know that if she gets a "petition for emancipation" its free but i want to see if the emancipation is need for her to get out of that house because, since her mom is like this she is interfering with my girl friends school work and her psychological well being. everyday she crys from her mom yelling at her.My girlfriend already has another place to live at and is currently about to get a job.

So the main question here is to get her life straight
does she have to be emancipated or can she move out at the age of 17?
She cannot move out unless she is legally emancipated and she has to be able to support herself financially. It is not easy to do. She needs to google her state laws.
Some states do not even have law on subject. Its very very rare for such apetition to be granted. Lets say she tries and her state has a law for such. Answer these questions

Does she have a job?
What does it pay?
How many hours per week?
Is she stillin school and will continue?
Where will she live?
How does she plan to support herself in detail. This means how she will apy her bills. Rent, grocery, phone, water, gas, electric, internet, cable TV, transportation, health insurance, car insurance and on and on?

Come back when you can answer these
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