Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft i dont know wat happens next


New Member
New York
i was recently terminated in end of december from dicks ssporting goods for letting customer take 2 pairs of sneakers that worth 180 total i confessed too it when asked by lp and was in fulll cooperation and told them that 2 other times a customernthat i knew from the gym came in and asked to take merchandise but they were scared way and didnt leave with anything both times.. the last one is when i got caught he dropped the stuff and left that i un tagged for him.. foolishly i sighned off and said that i did cooperate with customer and the lp manager told me he would not get police involved because i helped him out and also give him identity on people i am not friends with that Bragg about stealing from dicks sporting goods .. i sighned that i would pay back the costs of merchandise and today i got letter in mail saying i have to pay 480 in charges but i never got any letter regarding court and haven't gotten any calls wat do i do next ???
wat do i do next ???

You should have used your RIGHT to remain silent.
You are under no obligation to answer questions from anyone.
You are free to decline any interview, especially an interview that is designed to get you to INCRIMINATE yourself.

You are ONLY required to pay a judgment holder, meaning someone who has sued you, a trial was conducted, and the person won a judgment.

You don't even need to pay a judgment.
However, if you don't pay a judgment, it can harm your FICO score.
By refusing to pay a small civil judgment, not much more will happen to you.

According to you, you signed some documents about the alleged theft.
The police weren't called, and it is extremely unlikely the police will appear today, tomorrow, or in the future for an alleged theft of some lousy shoes.

If you pay, the debt scavenger that sent your the DEMAND will laugh all the way to the bank.

the shoes that were alleged to have been pilfered were placed back into a box and unsuspecting dupe has probably bought them, or they were returned to the manufacturer for a FULL credit.

You must decide to pay the scavenger or ignore the scavenger.

If I had such a choice, I'd ignore the letter.

That said, I have never stolen anything, so I wouldn't receive such a letter.

If you do NOTHING else, please don't steal anything as long as you live.

None of their junk is worth losing your good name over, mate.

Only you can decide what you should do.

My suggestion is not seek a position in retail.

More than likely your name is in one of their databases tagging you as an untrustworthy person.

Other than that, I suggest you live your life and put this unfortunate event behind you.
In any future posts, please make an effort to use something that resembles proper capitalization and punctuation. Doing so will make it easier for others to read and understand what you write.

wat do i do next ?

That's for you to decide, but it's likely that you could be sued successfully for the cost of merchandise that you conspired in the theft of. You probably also fall within the provisions of the civil penalty law for shoplifters. I guess the question for you is whether paying to keep this out of the hands of the police and the court is worth it to you.
In any future posts, please make an effort to use something that resembles proper capitalization and punctuation. Doing so will make it easier for others to read and understand what you write.

That's for you to decide, but it's likely that you could be sued successfully for the cost of merchandise that you conspired in the theft of. You probably also fall within the provisions of the civil penalty law for shoplifters. I guess the question for you is whether paying to keep this out of the hands of the police and the court is worth it to you.
hell yea im gunna pay it as soon as possible
hell yea im gunna pay it as soon as possible

Be further advised, paying the alleged demand can be used as evidence of guilt.

At the moment you are NOT guilty of any crime.

If the police were to appear with a warrant to arrest you, payment of the demand might be used to convict you at trial.

Even a rookie lawyer could argue this entire event away to an acquittal in your favor if you remain mute and do nothing.

Bottom line, mate, that confession you allege to have made can't be used at trial against you.
Furthermore, the only entity profiting off of you will eb the scavenger law firm that sent you the demand.

No law firm is going to take this to court to try and recover a lousy four hundred bucks.
The scavenger law firm will eagerly accept your donation, because it costs them NOTHING.
We are assuming this letter is Civil Demand it may not be. Who sent you the letter (A law firm) and what does letter say? Leave out names places etc. I am a Retail theft consultant and deal with questions like yours daily

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