I feel soo helpless is there ANYTHING i can do?

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New Member
Ive ALWAYS had this problem but now i really want to do something about it.
Ive just been hired and right of the bad some of the employee's ask my age. That's the First thing they ask me, this has happened to me many times and it really is annoying, what it means to ask my age beyond anything is they are trying to figure out if i am younger than them, if i am then they feel they have the right to treat me below them, this is Korean culture i was told, i was hired from a small Korean owned business. But I fell this is America and "that is Korean culture" excuse just doesn't cut it. If the other employees find out i am younger that them I'm subjected to negative speech, no boundaries that means they fell they have the right to harass me with bad speech, and more behavior that really would make it very uncomfortable to work there. I have exsperienc this treatment at other places before so now knew not to enclose my personal information to employees in fear of discrimination. At this new job i was was asked my age by other and i told them i was uncomfortable talking about my personal information. so one of the employees asks the manager what year my birthday is and he told that person. That person comes back from the mangers office and blurts out my year of birth. I was Furious ,i felt the manager had no right to tell the employee my date of birth. After that moment i was slowly subjected to harassment, the same kind of discrimination harassment Korean people call "there culture" I don't feel it is fair, I feel My age has nothing to do with any of the employees. Is there anything i can do about this situation??
No. There is nothing in the law that prohibits a co-worker from asking, or your manager providing, your age, and unless you are over 40 age is not a protected characteristic under either California or Federal law.
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