I found a rat's tooth in Nestle's candy bag.

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Approximately two months ago I purchased a mixed bag of Willie Wonka candy made by the Nestle corporation. I removed the wrapper on a piece of Laffy Taffy and put it in my mouth and immediately bit into something extremely hard. I spit the candy out and along with it was a brownish object with a sharp point. It turned out to be either a rat's tooth or a small canine according to a local vetrinarian who examined it for me.
I contacted the Nestle corporation about the incident right away via certified letter, and within a two week period I received a response requesting the candy wrapper, a receipt of purchase, and the object that I nearly ingested be sent to them a.s.a.p. They also gave me a phone number to call within a 48 hour period to speak to a customer service rep. and answer a few questions for them. I complied with all of their requests except the one requesting the tooth, I sent pictures of it printed off of my computer.
Nestle's was not satisfied with that and insisted that they had to have the actual object sent to their laboratory for testing. I really didn't want to send them the evidence to them, but eventually gave in and sent it to them. I have yet to hear back from them.
Does it sound like I have a case that will hold water? I chipped a tooth that requires major dental work, as well as other health problems that I've had since I bit into the nasty rat tooth.
I look forward to hearing from you with your thoughts on this matter. Thank you.


Lisa Martin
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