I guess this is the latest attemt to get money from bio father

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So the latest was that the ex wanted me to sign off on all arrearages and sign a "loan" paper with him so he could get his liscense. I informed him to sign this "loan" with a friend or his parents. CS just sent paperwork to me and i guess they are taking him BACK to court once again. Shes gonna be 20 the end of sept. im hoping they want to get rid of this case and are truely going after these arrearages. Boy oh boy...if someone would have told me yrs ago that this man wouldnt have takin care of his child, i would have thought they were crazy. Ladies listen up......make sure you have gainfull employment and can financially as well as emotionally raise children before you evennnn think about having them. Single parents...and i mean the truely single ones....have a hard time giving their children the time and needs that they want and deserve!
OP, excellent advice. One can only hope that someone heeds your wise admonishment.

People need to think before they engage in any risky behavior. They need to stop before they bring a child into this world because they think they are in love.

Ladies, just don't do it with some male alley cat.

He's just after one thing.

It isn't the one thing mist of you are seeking, either.

If he's a bum today, he'll be a bum in 10 years, 20 years, even 50 years.
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