I helped wife immigrate, now I'm unemp., if divorce who pays child support/alimony

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I got married to 27yr old woman in Poland, I am 54 yr old American. We have 3 yr old daughter. Now we live in California at home I own outright. I have 10k saved and 10k investments. Wife has worked in U.S. since her immigration but has zero assets and no savings. I have been Mr. Mom and done most of child care which means I am not available to find a job. If we divorce what would be most likely outcome of support issues for child support and alimony? Is my age an important factor? My employment status?
CA guidelines will input an income for you. You really are going to have to find a job. how long have you been married for? you might get some temporary spousal support but it will likely not be for very long. You will get child support if you get custody but mom might fight you for that. Maybe you 2 can work out joint? Also you might want to take measures to make sure she does not move back to her home country with the child. You really should talk to an attorney and find some income. you likely will not be able to pay for an attoney with no income at all.
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