I it fair if I let her keep the money?

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New Member
I plan on leaving my wife. I put in my two weeks notice and am going to work them. We have 2 children. When I leave , i'm not going to take any money from our accts with me. i'm going to leave my direct deposit alone so she will still get at least $2000 from last checks from work. I dont plan on asking her for any of it. I was wondering if this would be sufficient for the first month on me leaving and also if that would make me look bad in court or not. I just dont want to make it any more difficult so I figured this is a good idea. Any response is greatly apprecitated.
Is it fair?

Well, actually you are legally required to continue to support your children. If you have been the primary wage earner, then you may also be required to continue to support your wife until the divorce is finalized.

Do you have another job? You will be court-ordered to provide support for your family, and the amount will be based on your potential earnings (what you currently earn). If you don't have another job lined up, then it will look VERY BAD in court.
I would advise against just leaving her and the kids high and dry. Have you told her you want a divorce? Maybe you should let her know that she should find a job if she doesnt have one? You do realize that if she gets custody you'll be paying her child support and possibly temp. alimony? Why can't you 2 talk this over and plan it a little better? If she goes on any sort of public assistance, you'll be paying tht back too, to the state.
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