I know I have a case, but what kind?

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I was recently fired from my job after discovering they were using old photos of me in their apparel for advertisement. Once I asked them to stop, and informed the company that they did not have my permission I was treated bitterly, and mocked. When I responded to a degrading email, I was then fired as an "at will" employee, after being promised job security time and time again. My photo was not approved by myself, nor did I give any kind of written or oral consent for this kind of use. I also felt uncomfortable numerous times by comments the owner made about my body. Is this considered sexual harassment? Can I sue for the use of my photo, and for the harrassment I went through before I was fired? I feel I was fired out of retaliation due to the circumstances. Is there a law called misapprobation of likeness for gain in NC? What kind of attorney should I look into?
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