I left my dog in the car for 15 minutes

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New Member
I had to run in to a store, and when I came back there was a police officer who had called the animal protection people who came and gave me a ticket. I was gone for less than 15 minutes (which the officer verified) and it was about 60 F outside (California). I absolutely love my dog and she was just fine! Anyway, I recently found out this is considered a misdemeanor and I am unsure how to proceed when I go to court. The charges are OT62.620 (a) and PC597.7 (a).
important things to note are that due to recent issues on leaving pets in cars tickets on the issue have spiked as animal abuse. Where the windows down? Where you in the shade? was the dog attempting to escape? these are things you want to plead the the judge about your case. A lawyer would be helpful and your best advice would come from a lawyer from your local area.
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