I moved into a house. The people hid the fact that their were cockroaches in the home until I moved

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New Member
I bought a mobile home, had it inspected. The people that owned the home hid cockroach infestation. I went through and am still going through hell. I had 3 different companies come to see the eggs and poop all over the cabinets. I did a walk through and saw nothing. The day I moved in there were traps all over. The inspector did not see them either. He missed other things as well. I want them to buy the house back. I can't live here in peace. I live in fear everyday. I am not able to unpack my belongings. The roaches were everywhere. I could not sleep, eat. I was in a living hell. I had nowhere else to go.
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Reality check. Roaches are everywhere. They've inhabited the planet since before man came out of the trees and walked on two legs. They will still be here long after man is extinct.

Nobody's buying back your home without litigation. That's going to cost you many thousands of dollars with no guarantee of winning.

I suggest you head for the nearest do-it-yourself pest control store, buy the stuff that the pros use, and start treating your own house.

With the right chemicals, it won't take long to convince the roaches to go elsewhere.

If your next question is "Why do I have to do this if it's not my fault?" the answer is that self preservation is nobody's business but your own.
What I am saying is they hid it. They are supposed to disclose any bug infestations. I have proof. Witnesses. I have never lived in a place that had roaches. I did not bring them here. The traps were all over the place when I brought in my first box. You are saying that is ok? I do not look at this as self preservation. It was fraud!
What I am saying is they hid it. They are supposed to disclose any bug infestations. I have proof. Witnesses. I have never lived in a place that had roaches. I did not bring them here. The traps were all over the place when I brought in my first box. You are saying that is ok? I do not look at this as self preservation. It was fraud!

We have no authority over you, or any involvement in your predicament.
We are simply private citizens who discuss legal matters.
You can contact your local health department, elected city or county officials, your private attorney, elected state officials, or the governor of your state.

There is absolutely NOTHING anyone here can do to resolve your issues.
Good luck.
You are saying that is ok? I do not look at this as self preservation. It was fraud!

No, I'm not saying it's OK. Could very well be fraud for which you have a legal remedy.

What I am saying is that the sellers are NOT going to buy back the trailer just because you say so.

If you want to litigate it will cost you thousands and take many months while you are stuck either living with the roaches or living elsewhere while you continue to pay the loan payments or default on the loan and lose the trailer.

Your legal rights are one thing, the roaches are another.

If you want to get rid of the roaches NOW you buy the chemicals and get started. That's the self preservation part.

On the other hand you can do nothing about the roaches if you like. It's up to you.
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