I need answers to a serious matter.

My fiancé and I are Opening a salon. The finances are paid for ny him. He is the business major and college graduate and I am the artsy hairstylist from Vidal sassoon academy and salon NYC for 12 years. He couldn't own a salon without me or my credentials. I a
Well respected
Colorist in the industry and this all could not happen without me. He spoke to the lawyer without me there and apparently is having paperwork drawn in our best interest. It's an llc and instead of us both being he owners. He is the top owner and I'll be an owner as well but not at his level although everything will be 50/50. I e signed nothing yet bc I feel that he shouldn't be ahead or above me in any
Way even tho he is paying for salon to open. I will be making the money back with my skill. I'll be doing all the training, work on hair and basically everything but running the front desk. He's a business
From JMU so he feels he will be in charge of the financials and I'll be I charge of the salon and clients.
we will be marrying next month with no prenuptial agreement. I will NOT sign anything making him
Boss even tho he said it's just
For legality purposes
And means nothing. He said there Zan only be one managing director. What are My rights?
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If don't want to sign, don't sign.
If you don't want his money, tell him.
Then you're FREE to use your skills to open YOUR salon.
If you remain dubious, hire an attorney to advise you further.
Bottom line, always heed your SPIDEY senses!
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You have the right to tell him no. Then wait until you've saved enough money to open your own business.

This guy has a superiority complex. If you let him take control you'll be his inferior forever.

You would be wise to rethink marrying him.
Your rights are to back out of the deal. He cannot force you to sign anything that you don't agree with. There is no standard of rights when forming a business partnership like this. If the two of you are having this much trouble at the start agreeing how to do things, you really don't need to be in business together. He went to the lawyer without you to draw up papers in HIS best interests.
Ain't love a beautiful thing?
I once heard a domestic violence case.
The arresting officer was testifying as the facts surrounding his decision to arrest "daddy bear".

I've shortened the process to get to the PUNCH line (no PUN intended). LOL

Prosecutor: Officer Jones, did you speak to any eyewitnesses?

Officer Jones: Yes ma'am, the 6 year old daughter of the victim.

Prosecutor: What did she say?

Officer Jones: She said her dad and mom were yelling. I asked her if that alarmed her. She said, no, as it meant they were loving each other. I asked how she knew that. She said, when parents yell and daddy beats mom, they're loving each other. That's when I put the defendant under arrest, as the paramedics were treating the victim's many injuries.

Ahh, love American style. A right purity thang.

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