i need help asap

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I need help really bad. Back in July 2007, i let my boyfriend at the time drive my car back home because i was tired. we got pulled over for rolling through a stop sign. I found out that night he did not have a valid driver's liciense. Now I am trying to get rid of him for good and he is holding it over my head. he says that he is working with the judge and two police officers (one is a friend of his) in cattauraus county in New York state. They gave him the ticket that night and gave me nothing. According to him, they said that I can lose my driver's liciense, my car and go to jail. If I am not nice and take him to and from work that he going to tell them that he is not going to pay the fine or do the things that he is suppose to. I am at my wits end. i do not know what to do.:o

This is my first offense and I am a single parent and abide by the law to the best of my ability.

I am wondering if they can legal come after me and what should I do?

How could they do anything to you for his driving?

I suppose they could try and charge you with allowing him to drive your car without a license, but you likely have a good argument for reasonable doubt if you claim you did not know his license was suspended.

I think he's full of hooey and he is manipulating you.

- Carl
WOW, he has got you snowed girl. If they didnt issue a citation at the time of the incident, chances are you arent going to get into any trouble. He is playing a game with you, tell him you want the name of the Judge he is "working with", check it out online. Tell him you want to go to court with him next time he goes. You can also call the police officer on the ticket he recieved, ask him if you are going to be implicated and that this guy is making you do all kinds of crap, by telling you that you can be arrested, yada yada yada. I wouldnt worry about it, but definitely start asking some questions and getting some answers on your own, this will ease your mind tremendously. Hope this helps
Take Care
He said that if i ask around no one is going to tell me any answers. And he is going to not at the plee and get me in trouble. He is not going to tell me nothing too. I believe he told them I knew about him not having a valid licience. He has a criminal record and I don't. I have never gotten arrest for anything and he has. I believe that he has a major control issue. I try to tell him to get his own ride and he brings this up every time. And I am starting to go nuts.
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