I need HELP!!!

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New Member
I need some major help. I have been been leasing from my Landlord for a year now. My lease was up and we were suppose to resign on July 20, 2008. I talked to my Landlord and she said we were going to resign, then in Sept. 9, 2008 she tells my husband that we need to leave. That she was not going to resign our lease.. I sent a letter to her explaining that she said she was going to resign n that there were major issues as in (grey water pouring from our kitchen sink right into the basement, its not hooked up. We were unaware of this until my husband moved a mattress that was stuffed up into the crawl space blocking the view of the disconnected pipe. we asked her in May 2008 to fix the problem). There are a lot of other issues.. I have 2 small children and i dont have a lot of money. We like the house n like the area we are in.We want to stay but want the problems fixed. So I recieved a letter that tells me that I am to vacate the premisses by Oct 10, 2008. I move half of my belongings out n on Oct 4 2008, I get a phone call that she will resign the lease.. I know I am so dumb to want to continue to live her, but I honestly have NO WHERE to go. So she says that she wants the 600 plus late fee of 60.00 for Sept 20 to Oct 20, 2008 Plus 650. ( the new amount to rent the house) on Oct 20, 2008. I paid for a storage unit n moved half of my stuff. What should I do? I want to live here, but I want the problems fixed. I have my rent money order and refused to give it to her until these problems are fixed. I thought of calling the board of Health. Please send me some advice.
When she said you could resign the lease, did she also indicate she would repair these issues?

If not, then you would be in the same boat as before except you'll be paying 50 a month more in rent.

She needs to fix the issue of the water draining into the basement first.

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