Parole, Probation i need some answers please help

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Hello my husband was sentenced to 10 years his lawyer said he will do about 7 in a half due to time served and good behavior i was woundering when i was able to get him to qualify for parole or how do i even go about trting to get him paroled out does he have to be there for a certain amount of years? Good behavior? What can we do to get him home sooner? Besides parole and good behavior? Also ive been hearing about some kind of that he can get to be there for the birth of his daughter im 7 months pregnant and although it sounds impposible i hear it was possible to get a pass for a few days any info on that? Thanks for your time qms
You have no control at all when he receives parole. He will be required to serve a particular portion of his sentence, often half, before becoming eligible for parole. He then has to convince a parole board that he has changed his ways, is safe to release, and won't be back. The parole board can either approve or deny his request based on just about any reason.

For what it's worth, California is in the process of kicking out more prisoners than they are taking in, so he may have good odds. If it was a non violent offense he might even do his time in a local county jail.
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