Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication I need some MIP advice please!!

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My situation is similar to the girl who said that she got 2 MIPS in 3 days. I had gotten an MIP on May 31, then I went to court got put on probation for a year. Then on August 25, I was on the side of the road holding an open beer, was not seen drinking it nor did they give me a breathalizer and I recieved another MIP in a different city. I have an appointed attorney for this next MIP coming up... but I don't know what to do about my violation of probation. I have not had any trouble, I have gone to community service taken drug tests and passed them all. Do I just contact my Probation officer so I set up a hearing? Should I wait til after sentencing for the next MIP? These were my first two offenses... am I going to go to jail? Please help with advice.
You should contact your probation officer for advice . Jail time is permissible at this time .
Frickin michigan. we've seriously got the toughest underage drinking laws.

im in your situation too. i received two mips within four weeks of one another. it really depends on the judge, but most wont go easy on ya. between the two i was sentenced to $400 in fines, 90 hours of community service, 15 months of probation, daily PBTs, and ten weeks on a tether.

in answer to your questions: contact the court to find out when you have to appear. and if you live in michigan, which im kind of just guessing you do, then you could face up to 30 days in jail since you're on probation. (i know, its insane, really)

i suggest you find the best lawyer you can if youre on probation when you receive your 2nd mip like i was- unless you have a judge that is reasonable. i didnt have a lawyer to begin with because i didnt think id get such a harsh sentence. anyway, we had to make a motion to modify my probation and my lawyer was able to reduce my sentence a bit. it sucks that if you cant afford one you'll probably get appointed one that isnt worth a damn, but thats what you get for living in the u.s. i suppose.

its a shame that our tax dollars are being spent on cops trying to find underage drinking parties to bust. im 18 and i have a few beers from time to time. pretty dangerous... i hope everyone could sleep better when i was on my tether!
Thank you for ur concern

So you were on probation when you got ur second one? God, that is terrible.... and such a lot of stuff. Did you personally tell your probation officer when you got another one? How did you go about doing it? The bad part is.... I got the second MIP in East Lansing and the first one in Southgate, which is where I am on probation at... So which one could sentence me to jail? If you read this I would really appreciate another reply.. thank you though
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