I overpaid rent..

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New Member
So this may sound stupid - but when I signed my lease, I paid first, last, and a security deposit.. Then, because I didn't check the lease I double paid the 'Last month's rent' which would have been the rent for january (the lease is over jan 31st) - what kind of recourse do I have in getting this back? The little old lady that I rent from is kind of .. well, mean. She also isn't sure we paid the 'last month's rent" because it wasn't 'typical' of her husband (who died.) to ask for a last month's rent plus a security deposit. I have all my check stubs and 4 money order stubs for proof. Also - a golf ball (we live on a golf course) broke our window yesterday - can she hold back the security deposit for that? it says in the lease she's responsible for windows.
Show her the documentation that you double paid this rent. If she refuses to refund this, tell her (in writing so you'll have documentation) that you will consider taking legal action against her.

You are not responsible for a golf ball breaking your window (unless, of course, you're the one who hit the golf ball). Have you notified her of this damage by a golfer?

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