I really don't know what to do...

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I am unsure if this is where I should post but I'll give you the details of my problem and let you work it out because well I'm not savvy about these types of things. I am a 22 year old Student currently attending College in Mississippi, I am from Massachusetts Originally. Classes have just started and I have paid my dues and began to attend class after the usual scheduling mix ups. In the past two weeks prior to the incident I am about to describe the only place I had been was my school and the safety of my Garage. But recently I walked out of class and saw the words "Go Home Yankee" keyed into my car. The School looked at Security footage and couldn't even see my car on the Cameras and have done nothing for this. My school has a gated parking lot, I pay for security and a parking pass, and there are no "park at your own risk" signs anywhere on the premises. Shouldn't the school be responsible for the damages done to my vehicle? In addition this isn't the first time something like this has happened. One of the security/Campus Police has been giving me a hard time for 3 years about being a "damned Yankee" at one point telling me "Yankee's are like hemorrhoids, they are ok when they go down and come up but when they come down and stay down they become a problem." A Joke which I actually would have found rather funny had it not been him saying it. I also find it strange that a Campus Police Officer has been harassing me for years about being a Damn Yankee and suddenly when he fills out my cars parking Permit I get Go Home Yankee keyed into my car. I really just don't know what to do.
You should take this issue to the Dean of students ASAP. Your safety and well being are the most important things to you. The Dean will know what actions to take in order to ensure that 1) the incident is fully investigated (I hope you took pictures and kept a timeline of your incidents) 2) That the harassment stops 3) Your safety always comes first. You should never wait three years to come forward to see what can be done for you. Always, and I mean, always, think safety first and that always means immediate action from your part. Hope this helps!
Just a word: "Geographic" discrimination is not illegal. I agree with the above post but this is an internal, not a legal matter.

Unless, of course, you can find out specifically who caused the damage to your car; you might possibly have a case against that individual for the damages. But not a discrimination claim.
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