I REALLY need advice

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I sound silly for being on this website at only tha age of 13. However, I know that it is illegal for minors to have sex. Yet, i bear the question:

If a minor thinks she may be pregnant, due to a week-late menstrual period and an unusual craving for something she never wants, will she be forced to have a child at such a young age?

A bigger issue is that the male is turning 18 this December and is fine with having a child. My mother dislikes him and is not informed of what is happening between us. Honestly, if she knew, I would be disowned from the family for such an ignorant act. :no:

I REALLY need help on this. I can not bear a child for I am one myself. I know this is an awful situation which is why i decided to seek help. I'm not lying to you or trying to be over-dramtic. I really do need your advice. Even it's sort of harsh, a comment will be of some service. PLEASE help me.
Are you asking us for permission to kill your child?
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