I received a parking ticket hearing, missing judge's signature, how to fight it.?

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I received a parking ticket hearing, missing judge's signature, how to fight it.?
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? NY

hello, I recently received a parking ticket, and so i filed for an appeal, the decision came back as guilty. However, the administrative law judge (ALJ) forgot to sign the paper. On the hearing it says the judge's name, but under signature area it is empty.

Therefore, i believe without a legal signature, the decision should be null and void.

I also have one more chance to appeal the hearing.

So Are there any law students who can give me a good explanation to write on my appeal paper. Remember the hearing paper was missing the signature of the judge

thanks in advance i would really appreciate it.

i attached a picture of how the section looks like
I would think that without a signature the ticket would be void. I live in Michigan, and I got a traffic ticket one time and the cop didn't sign the ticket or put his badge number. When I took it to court, the cop admitted he didnt sign it and the judge dismissed it.
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