I resigned; frmr. mgr. saying I was fired - Defamation? Slander?

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After giving literally months of notice to allow my former company to find my replacement, I finally said I couldn't wait on them to drag their feet any longer and resigned. My manager of 3 months, who had become so because my previous manager resigned suddenly in the face of sexual harassment I brought to the company's attention, has been telling employees, business associates in my area, and even my family (discovered this yesterday at Easter dinner) that I was fired. This wasn't even close to the case; in fact, he had begged me to stay on and "get over" the harassment issue.
He also told me that the aforementioned manager with the harassment issue was "fired, and he deserved it, too", even though the head of HR told me personally, and the entire company via email, that he had resigned. I believe he told me that lie to get me to think he was on my side while I was telling him I did not want to stay with the company. This guy clearly will say whatever he thinks will work, as opposed to whatever is true and accurate.
I've never been fired from any job, and I proudly state that on any application and during interviews. Plus, I had intended to pursue employment with a business contact that he has told this lie to. Do I have a civil, or any, case against him or the company?
Contact HR Dept

Contact your HR department about what this person is saying and who he is saying it to. Put it in writing and keep a copy for your records. Mail it return receipt. If what the person is saying keeps you from getting a job then you may have a cause for action, but it would be really hard to prove in a court. The person denying you emplyment may have to tell you that the reason you weren't hired was due to what that person said and they would have to be willing to say it in court as well. This person is saying you were fired ...is he saying why to people? It never hurts to get a lawyers opinion, someone who you will be able to give all the facts too and they will advise you whether or not you have a case. Some lawyers will give you a free consultation depending on the situation. Otehrs may charge a fee for consultation. If you are unable to get employment it may be worth checking onto with a lawyer. In the meantime, document everything you are hearing, who said it, where they heard the information from, what was said, and when.
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