Domestic Violence & Civil Orders I spit and missed her face

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I got right in the face of a family member and tried my best to spit a loogie in their face. I missed. It went on the couch behind them, or on the neck. But not the face. So, you should know, this person has asperger's (most definitely - probably.....)

This "victim" is also know for inciting violence. And I have a recording of her saying she doesn't care for anybody. No cares at all given for other people. A purely selfish person. And now she has asked the police to help out with criminal charges.

Here in Texas, the District Attorney is informing me of a criminal complaint and the option of a pretrial diversion program. Since I missed her face, I would be admitting guilt if I went with the diversion program, but I am mostly not guilty of the charge of spitting in her face.

So my question is, if she says she felt spray on her face and also of something else that went into her hair, isn't it an omission of the facts to not say that the spit missed her face, even if some spray was felt? The alleged victim loves to omit facts all the time.... lying by omission....

I am not one for getting into trouble at all, so I feel that the pretrial diversion program will be just fine for me. I am aware of the need to deal with my anger.

Ok, so maybe it'll cost $250 plus 20 hrs comm service. But it's the only freebie I will get. And this person, the alleged "victim", is a real psycho. An Asperger's psycho. I would gladly take her to court to file any number of domestic abuse claims that I thought I could and would most definitely do so.

So, really, what should I do, since my intent was to spit in her face, and I am mostly upset that it just didn't HIT her face??? At least I should be admitting guilt with having actually had THAT spit on that face... It doesn't seem okay to forget to say the the loogie MISSED! And I was less than six inches away, LET'S NOT FORGET THAT......

I was really tryin!!!!!!
I got right in the face of a family member and tried my best to spit a loogie in their face. I missed. It went on the couch behind them, or on the neck. But not the face. So, you should know, this person has asperger's (most definitely - probably.....)

This "victim" is also know for inciting violence. And I have a recording of her saying she doesn't care for anybody. No cares at all given for other people. A purely selfish person. And now she has asked the police to help out with criminal charges.

Here in Texas, the District Attorney is informing me of a criminal complaint and the option of a pretrial diversion program. Since I missed her face, I would be admitting guilt if I went with the diversion program, but I am mostly not guilty of the charge of spitting in her face.

So my question is, if she says she felt spray on her face and also of something else that went into her hair, isn't it an omission of the facts to not say that the spit missed her face, even if some spray was felt? The alleged victim loves to omit facts all the time.... lying by omission....

I am not one for getting into trouble at all, so I feel that the pretrial diversion program will be just fine for me. I am aware of the need to deal with my anger.

Ok, so maybe it'll cost $250 plus 20 hrs comm service. But it's the only freebie I will get. And this person, the alleged "victim", is a real psycho. An Asperger's psycho. I would gladly take her to court to file any number of domestic abuse claims that I thought I could and would most definitely do so.

So, really, what should I do, since my intent was to spit in her face, and I am mostly upset that it just didn't HIT her face??? At least I should be admitting guilt with having actually had THAT spit on that face... It doesn't seem okay to forget to say the the loogie MISSED! And I was less than six inches away, LET'S NOT FORGET THAT......

I was really tryin!!!!!!


Discuss this with your attorney.
The suggestion that you discuss it with your attorney, however, is the only reasonable answer there is.
The suggestion that you discuss it with your attorney, however, is the only reasonable answer there is.
The only reason, however, for coming to this website, is because I have not yet allocated time and money for a lawyer. Pointing out that someone should simply see a lawyer would completely negate the purpose of this website. What? Simply because you all cannot answer a question on what could become a case. Just goes to show what a bunch of greedy lowlifes you all are. The only reasonable. What reason? You must be following some rules I don't know about. Which is the very reason for having a forum where people can ask questions. Most, often, when I ask a question online, the answer you all have provided is the usual one people provide. Not at all helpful.
This website can only provide general legal information, not specific legal advice. If you are dissatisfied with those terms, by all means feel free to move on and collect your refund at the door.
Which is a mistake when you are facing criminal charges.
The fact that somebody would incite violence, and indeed something DISGUSTING, should draw curiosity as to what kind of crazy they are. I have indeed made it clear that I am disappointed that my spit was not indeed disgusting (as to be spread across face and eyes and in the mouth.)

So, we both got lucky that it wasn't a truly disgusting event.

So I am clearly not worried about any admission of guilt. Go ahead and you all do your duty to forward these messages to district attorney. If that's what you feel is best.

I only came here with simple questions and there is only bias in return. Like I said, not helpful at all.
I got right in the face of a family member and tried my best to spit a loogie in their face. I missed. It went on the couch behind them, or on the neck. But not the face. So, you should know, this person has asperger's (most definitely - probably.....)

You don't say.

So my question is, if she says she felt spray on her face and also of something else that went into her hair, isn't it an omission of the facts to not say that the spit missed her face, even if some spray was felt? The alleged victim loves to omit facts all the time.... lying by omission....

Do tell, this puzzles me.

No, it distresses and disturbs me.

I am not one for getting into trouble at all, so I feel that the pretrial diversion program will be just fine for me. I am aware of the need to deal with my anger.

Okay, perhaps the judge will see things your way.

Ok, so maybe it'll cost $250 plus 20 hrs comm service. But it's the only freebie I will get. And this person, the alleged "victim", is a real psycho. An Asperger's psycho. I would gladly take her to court to file any number of domestic abuse claims that I thought I could and would most definitely do so

You are the boss of you.

You must determine what you do next.

So, really, what should I do, since my intent was to spit in her face, and I am mostly upset that it just didn't HIT her face???

Here are two ways to address this.


A person could offer up a hypothetical situation and not insist that only specific legal advice is being talked about. But you don't even point to where the door is. Not a single helpful comment. Nothing.
Army judge!!! Thank you, something at all would be helpful here. I cannot stand do deal with strictly legal blank stares back at me. If you make me laugh, I will leave it be. lololol
A person could offer up a hypothetical situation and not insist that only specific legal advice is being talked about. But you don't even point to where the door is. Not a single helpful comment. Nothing.

How observant of you to notice.

Thank you very much for your kind, sincere words of praise.

All of us work extremely hard at being obtuse.

Recently we've also added in a heaping dose of abstruse with a generous serving of obtuse to achieve NOTHINGNESS!
When somebody is being prosecuted for a crime, this is why the only answer is talk to an attorney and don't talk to the authorities without a lawyer. Now stop pouting for not getting the answers you want.

How observant of you to notice.

Thank you very much for your kind, sincere words of praise.

All of us work extremely hard at being obtuse.

Recently we've also added in a heaping dose of abstruse with a generous serving of obtuse to achieve NOTHINGNESS!
Well, that's what the very first comment was. It was nothing. We all know the purpose of spitting on someone is to be very disgusting. So if someone can't handle it they shouldn't push me away. Just keep those vague comments or else I will go on and on. So, that's why I set off as I did. Please, just state the obvious and ask me to go away. LOLOLOLOL
When somebody is being prosecuted for a crime, this is why the only answer is talk to an attorney and don't talk to the authorities without a lawyer. Now stop pouting for not getting the answers you want.

If someone wants to prosecute me to the fullest extent, someone can go ahead and try. That is not what I'm worried about. I have made my question clear. Thank you for reminding me of my rights. I will take your advice to stop pouting. I am tired and had some bad food today and came home to find a letter from the State....
So my question is, if she says she felt spray on her face and also of something else that went into her hair, isn't it an omission of the facts to not say that the spit missed her face, even if some spray was felt? The alleged victim

That's exactly the point. The "alleged" victim can "allege" anything she wants. When the authorities decide to prosecute they either have to prove the allegations beyond reasonable doubt, or get you to admit to the allegations by pleading to a lesser charge or deferred adjudication.

So, really, what should I do, since my intent was to spit in her face, and I am mostly upset that it just didn't HIT her face???

What should you do? Well, if you are so easily provoked by somebody who is mentally ill, I suggest you get some anger management counselling before you do violence to somebody for which you can go to prison.

What you can do about the current allegations is talk to the DA and see what kind of arrangement you can make to get out from under this. And certainly don't admit that it was your intent to commit assault and battery on your victim.
And that's the last answer you're getting here. This board is not and never was intended to be a substitute for an attorney for someone who doesn't want to pay for one.
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