I think I was abused and I don't know what to do about it.

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New Member
I know this must sound like a joke, that's why it's so hard to get my family to believe it's true. And I am so ashamed of having to post this publicly for letting someone treat me this way, but I was so afraid at the time, I didn't know what to do.

I am currently having some issues, pertaining to a former friend of mine. And I am petrified of him. This guy has called me every word in the book, particularly, evil, fat, ugly, even words that are degrading to women (I'm a girl) and someone is now having a field day with my accounts through sites that have IP filters, making it impossible for me to ban him from contacting me which he's laid down a lot of hints it's him. He's telling everyone publicly that I ruin lives and that I am a horrible person.

When I was sixteen years old, he hit me in the face, I still have the scar which is a lot of accumulated broken blood vessels and a chipped tooth. Which, I had turned eighteen in September. Just the other day he walked by my house while I was outside with intimidating gestures (swinging his fists) which he's stood up the street watching me before. I don't know what to do or what legal procedures I can take against his actions (or if it's been too long to report him for anything).

I'm afraid if he had hit me once, he would be willing to do it again especially since the last time I talked to him he was trying to get a hold of some drugs (he had even asked me on several occasions to hurt myself so I can get narcotics for him). I never took him seriously until the night he was talking about cutting one of his fingers off so he could go to the hospital and get pain pills. If the guy is willing to do that to himself, I can't even comprehend what he'd do to someone like me who decided to break the friendship. Please, someone help me, I don't know what to do or where to turn and this guy is someone not to mess around with. And the thing is that I've done absolutely nothing to him but call the friendship off because he'd wait until I'd be in front the stairs in my house and get in my face calling me derogatory words. The night he hit me was when I tried to put out a fire he started in the neighborhood by another resident's house in the street. I really think it's time I do something because he's really starting to scare me.

He would also scream and yell at me if I didn't do anything for him. Firstly, I have many stomach disorders and had surgery that left me not the same as I was before (weaker, more vulnerable to tiredness). And he would literally call me names, hover over me sometimes with his hand raised if I didn't do heavy work for him and that would be pull branches well over my weight. Everyone asked me why I did it, it's would be because he'd leave me alone and after I did it all, I would get some peace and quiet plus I am 5'3 and he is way over 6'. And when I would be sleeping, if no one was home to answer the door, he would literally beat it and ring the doorbell until I would answer and then yell at me for not getting up when he first knocked. And it seems after I was around him so long, I have no confidence or self-esteem. They had to put me on homebound again for the school year just because of the anxiety I have now because of the way he did me. If I even walk by someone a foot taller then me I get nervous and really shakey.

I don't know what to do. If someone can give me any advice at all, I would greatly appreciate it.
I think you should see a therapist to help you with your anxiety and self esteem issues. If he hasn't verbally or physically assaulted you in 2 years, then I doubt there is anything you can do about the past.
First off. He didn't hit you. Second, he doesn't stand on th street and watch you. Third, he hasn't been abusing you through the internet, because he doesn't have internet and you know it. Actually, the real problem is, your a control freak. You think everyone should do what you want, when you want it, and that everything should go your way. He withstood two years of mental abuse from you, then one day he stood up for himself, he never even used any profane language. I know, I was there. Here's some advice for you. He's forgotten about you, he hasn't thought about you in months. He's moved on with his life, so what you need to do is, get a life, and move on with yours. Get over yourself, and stop being so childish. :D
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