I think my boss really wants me fired

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Last week during an employee meeting I began to text message my collegues silly messages regarding how boring the meeting was. I texted things like: is it 5:00 yet, kill me now, and tell my mother I love her *slits own throat* A few of my co workers responded and that was it...until 5 days later when another co-worker claims that she received the message 5 days later and from reading the message tell my mother I love her *slits own throat* she thought it was a suicide attempt. The office was in an uproar until I retunred from lunch. I have been suspended for this incident. None of my supervisors have even asked me what happened and noone has even asked to see the text messages. Maybe i shouldnt have sent the messages but maybe the lady who told everyone I was going to kill myself was trying to start trouble. A few of my other co workers told me that when she was making calls to all of the supervisors they informed her that it was a joke but she proceeded to make the calls. The policy handbook states that there needs to be an investigation before a termination but that hasnt happened.

Also I work for a behavioral health center and we keep close tabs on the work we do with our mentally challenged clients. The "tickets" that we turn in are supposed to accurately reflect the time we spent with the clients. My boss accussed me of lying on my tickets and told me to change the times I indicated. The times she told me to put were incorrect but she insisted. The reason this is such a big deal is because if we falsify time, then the organization can get in trouble for medicare and medicade fraud. BUT when my boss told me to change the tickets to a lower amount of time wasn't she then commiting fraud...after all the times that she wanted me to claim weren't accurate. I have documents to support all that i am saying...so i have a case?
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