i want move out im 17 in texas

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New Member
Hello, i need some legal advice.
i am curently 17 and a half and i live in fort hood texas. i moved to texas 110 days ago so i am a resident. I moved from oklahoma and i wish to go back. According to Greg Abbott (Attorney General of Texas) and i quote "a seventeem-year-old who voluntarily leaves home without parental concent and without intending may not be taken into costody under the juvenile Justice code, Family code title lll"
if you need link for the information i can send in a message.
i was wondering if i moved out of my parents house and moved back to oklahoma would they be able to do anything to bring me back to texas?
I have a job at a furnature packing company waiting for me if i go making $10 per hour and ill be living with a friend whos 21 almost 22 and another 17 year old friend who all have jobs and are paying rent for a 3 bedroom house that im gonna join in on. ill still attend school but i dont know if my school will give me my transfer papers without my parents.
please help.
also i forgot to add: Since im a resident in texas will it affect me moving to oklahoma since the age to move out (as long as parent knows where child is) is 17 in texas.
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