I want them to stop slandering against me

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Since I do not have a sister from my parents therefore, I have always honored and taken care of my cousin sister as my own younger sister. I have been a very sincere and affectionate brother. I have tons of written e-mails from my sister about my loyality and affection. However, thigns start to fall apart. My sister is going to be 24. And from time to time with all my affection I have discussed with her about right and wrong. Previously she used to listen to them and restrained herself from potential danger and trouble. However, for the past several months she started to become hostile towards me and became more engaged in reckless lifestyle. Therefore, in last October he wanted to get married and whenever her parents asked me about the potential candidate, I informed them he was married before. So, her parents asked her not to proceed anymore. She became angry and blamed me to spoil her marriage plan. At one point she accused me of conspiracy to marry her. In addition she started a propaganda that I have done a lot of harms to her. But she could never elaborate any of these accusations nor she could produce any evidence in support of her claims. However, it is too shocking for me after so many years of my fauthfulness to hear about all these. Recently her father has threatened me to with provocative, disturbing comments with implied indication for potential vilification of my character. He has also claimed the money that i borrowed from my sister to be returned to him instead of her. He did not show any Power of Attorney nor did I receive any advice from my sister to do so. I am afraid if I return him the money then my sister would claim that she did not receive it. Now my questions are:

1) How can I ask them to stop all these slandering?
2) What's the best possible way under legal protection to return her the money with a clear ntoification from her that she has received the money?
3) How can I ask her father not to interfare in my business anymore?

Though her mother supports me and she knows about more past incidents done by my sister which would potentially damage her reputation. But I do not think she would testify it before mass people. Can I tape my aunt's phone conversation without informing her?

I am under too much mental stress. Please advise me.
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