Assault & Battery I want these kids trialed for attempted murder. Should it be a Crown Court case?

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United Kingdom

What I've been told from lawyers were unsatisfactory and I want other lawyer's opinions (anonymously). So these are the events:

My nephew was being bullied and harassed by 3 white boys (skin colour is relevant) aged between 11-13 who were racially abusive. My brother talked to their parents and thought the issue resolved despite obvious racism of the parents. However, I was dissapointed to learn that the bullying was still continuing. Shortly after finding out, I see the 3 boys playing football at the park. I decided to speak to them but they turned aggressive. As I was attempting to engage in civil conversation, one boy tackled me from behind knocking me over which then led primarily to punching and kicking. However, Boy A, who I'm told after was the youngest one put me in two Jiu Jitsu moves. The first I'm told is called the "arm bar" which resulted in elbow dislocation and torn tissue which requires corrective surgery. The second I'm told is called the "head scissors" where the leg is squeezed around the neck which resulted in me being rendered unconscious and sustaining a fractured larynx which I will be immediately correcting in a surgery and with a stent placement to keep the larynx open. I now can barely talk and have respiratory problems including but not limited to severe wheezing when breathing. I had also bit off part of my tongue which will recover naturally. Furthermore, I'm suffering from dizzy spells which I believe are a consequence of the dangerous and unnecessary head scissors manouvre. In self defense, Boy A's tooth was chipped and several insignificant scratches and marks were on 2 of the 3 boys. I had "tapped out" multiple times which were ignored and I now am considering claiming assault and battery in the Youth Courts or attempted murder in the crown courts which I'm being told will not happen. I also wish to seek psychiatric damage in civil courts which I'm also being told to drop. If this is not fulfilled, I want to seek assault and battery or attempted murder in the civil courts.

I'm told that to prosecute a detention order under criminal law in Youth Courts, the child needs to be aged between 12-17 so Boy A who almost killed me will be reprimanded in another way as he is 11. I'm of the opinion that this should be a Crown Court case but so called professionals have the nerve to tell me that it's not serious enough. They're also telling me that the outcome could be a fine of up to £250 and possible detention for the other boys. This is ridiculous seeming as professionals say I could have died.

The boys have admitted to the attack but have changed the version of events considerably. They claim that I was the aggressor and that I was not knocked out despite a CT scan showing a fractured larynx, having part of my tongue bitten off and having dizzy spells. They argue that Boy A did not have the physical capability to cause the fracture due to an age difference of 8 years and him weighing just 5 and a half stone to my 10. They claim that I self inflicted the fracture which is entirely fabricated and an idiotic argument. My nephew tells me that he is on the wrestling team with him and they have learnt moves such as the arm bar and head scissors during training and are fully aware of the dangers of not letting go when the opponent submits. Medical professionals have disclosed privately to me that to knock out an opponent with a head scissor would be very possible for a person of Boy A's stature provided sufficient strength and longevity of the hold. I estimated that the hold lasted an unnecessary 5 to 15 minutes during which I was ridiculed in front of a camera (recording was not found) while my elbow was already fractured. Doctors say that I could have died had the hold been applied for a further 30 seconds or so after unconsciousness which it could possibly have been. This certainly satisfied longevity standards. Boy A acted in a way with no regard for human life and I want to claim in the Crown Courts for either aggravated battery or attempted murder but I keep on getting told that this is a Youth Court case.

Realistically, what can I expect the outcome to be and also what is the best possible outcome? And can I claim in the Crown Courts? It sickens me that I can be ridiculed and almost killed and have the culprit released with a slap on the wrist only because the incident didn't occur 2 months later. The final thing is the question of mental illness, would they be fit to stand trial in the Crown Courts? They seem to have some kind of antisocial disorder, children do not behave like this.

Best wishes.
The US and the UK laws are not the same, and this is a US board. We have no experts in UK law here.

What I've been told from lawyers were unsatisfactory and I want other lawyer's opinions (anonymously). So these are the events:

My nephew was being bullied and harassed by 3 white boys (skin colour is relevant) aged between 11-13 who were racially abusive. My brother talked to their parents and thought the issue resolved despite obvious racism of the parents. However, I was dissapointed to learn that the bullying was still continuing. Shortly after finding out, I see the 3 boys playing football at the park. I decided to speak to them but they turned aggressive. As I was attempting to engage in civil conversation, one boy tackled me from behind knocking me over which then led primarily to punching and kicking. However, Boy A, who I'm told after was the youngest one put me in two Jiu Jitsu moves. The first I'm told is called the "arm bar" which resulted in elbow dislocation and torn tissue which requires corrective surgery. The second I'm told is called the "head scissors" where the leg is squeezed around the neck which resulted in me being rendered unconscious and sustaining a fractured larynx which I will be immediately correcting in a surgery and with a stent placement to keep the larynx open. I now can barely talk and have respiratory problems including but not limited to severe wheezing when breathing. I had also bit off part of my tongue which will recover naturally. Furthermore, I'm suffering from dizzy spells which I believe are a consequence of the dangerous and unnecessary head scissors manouvre. In self defense, Boy A's tooth was chipped and several insignificant scratches and marks were on 2 of the 3 boys. I had "tapped out" multiple times which were ignored and I now am considering claiming assault and battery in the Youth Courts or attempted murder in the crown courts which I'm being told will not happen. I also wish to seek psychiatric damage in civil courts which I'm also being told to drop. If this is not fulfilled, I want to seek assault and battery or attempted murder in the civil courts.

I'm told that to prosecute a detention order under criminal law in Youth Courts, the child needs to be aged between 12-17 so Boy A who almost killed me will be reprimanded in another way as he is 11. I'm of the opinion that this should be a Crown Court case but so called professionals have the nerve to tell me that it's not serious enough. They're also telling me that the outcome could be a fine of up to £250 and possible detention for the other boys. This is ridiculous seeming as professionals say I could have died.

The boys have admitted to the attack but have changed the version of events considerably. They claim that I was the aggressor and that I was not knocked out despite a CT scan showing a fractured larynx, having part of my tongue bitten off and having dizzy spells. They argue that Boy A did not have the physical capability to cause the fracture due to an age difference of 8 years and him weighing just 5 and a half stone to my 10. They claim that I self inflicted the fracture which is entirely fabricated and an idiotic argument. My nephew tells me that he is on the wrestling team with him and they have learnt moves such as the arm bar and head scissors during training and are fully aware of the dangers of not letting go when the opponent submits. Medical professionals have disclosed privately to me that to knock out an opponent with a head scissor would be very possible for a person of Boy A's stature provided sufficient strength and longevity of the hold. I estimated that the hold lasted an unnecessary 5 to 15 minutes during which I was ridiculed in front of a camera (recording was not found) while my elbow was already fractured. Doctors say that I could have died had the hold been applied for a further 30 seconds or so after unconsciousness which it could possibly have been. This certainly satisfied longevity standards. Boy A acted in a way with no regard for human life and I want to claim in the Crown Courts for either aggravated battery or attempted murder but I keep on getting told that this is a Youth Court case.

Realistically, what can I expect the outcome to be and also what is the best possible outcome? And can I claim in the Crown Courts? It sickens me that I can be ridiculed and almost killed and have the culprit released with a slap on the wrist only because the incident didn't occur 2 months later. The final thing is the question of mental illness, would they be fit to stand trial in the Crown Courts? They seem to have some kind of antisocial disorder, children do not behave like this.

Best wishes.

I'm a tad slow due me being the dumbest one in the litter.
Did three, pre-teen, scrawny, pre-pubescent, buffed, and martial arts trained kids really administer a beat down about your person, mate?
I am not licensed to practice law on your island nation.
I'm licensed to practice law in the USA.
Even in the US, the result would approximate yours.
In the US you aren't harmed because the bullet whizzed passed your head, ALMOST killing you.
In some situations, even if the billet had killed the person, she's not going to collect a dime.
Someone might sue on her behalf, but there's often far more to the story than revealed by ONE of the parties.

If you had suffered greater damages/injuries, perhaps paralyzation, becoming a quadriplegic, now we're talking serious injury, mate.

But, you're probably never going to collect a dime from prepubescent teenagers hurtling towards career criminal status as members of some impoverished, uneducated, troop of people who possess a collective IQ of 50.

You are free to consult any of the UK's solicitors or barristers, perhaps engaging one to litigate your concerns before one of HM courts.
The US does not come into this. The US does not have jurisdiction and US law does not apply. (BTW, there are 52 versions of US law; Federal law, one for each state and one for the District of Columbia).

You need to be speaking with a solicitor in the UK, not arguing with folks on the internet in another country.
In some areas of law, the US and UK laws are VERY different. Even within the US, the law in one state can be quite different from the law in another state. We can't give you anything that's binding on anyone in your country, so why waste anyone's time with it, including yours?
So...... You got beat up by these 3 children that you approached in a bad way. Now.... since they attacked back you are mad. You leave out the facts that you were punching, kicking and grabbing them as well. So you ( ADULT ) attack verbally 3 young children then it turned into a phyiscal match. They got the best of you and now you want them put in jail? Yet your the adult that approached them.... hmmmmm Maybe, Just maybe you should have used the court, cops in the proper way. Report these bully's like most adults would have done. His DAD tried talking to the parents... you stated that yourself. that he had a ADULT TO ADULT talk. I bet if it would have continued that DAD would next report it to the school, police. Seems you could learn from DAD when dealing with someone else child. Don't approach a child with the thought process that YOU the ADULT will set them straight. I guess you found out that didn't work out so well. Now.... It's your word against 3 of them. So the cops are thinking.... hmmmm these are CHILDREN and this ADULT approached them. Something happened but who do we believe? Why did the ADULT approach them to begin with? So they are going to just slap everyone wrist over the issue. Maybe that is.... unless one of their parents is pushing on the other end asking for your arrest for attacking 3 young CHILDREN.
Okay, for a thread where we can't even provide any information, being outside the scope of the board, this is getting to be a rather long one. How about we wrap this up, guys?
To be fair, most of the answers are just you discouraging responses. But yes, I haven't learnt much from this thread and I'm all for it ending.

I sure learned a great deal from and about you, mate.

Thank you for sharing, and have a nice day.

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