I want to be emancipated...

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Hi, I am a 15 year old girl who would like to be emancipated from her mother.

i want to be emancipated from her because i just dont want to hear my mom yelling at me constantly. she wont allow me to get a job because everytime we get into an arguement she dosent want to sign my working papers
I've just recieved a call from the tutor center that i just applied for and they want me to start the training and then after my training i can begin and get paid. But, now she wont allow me to. how can i learn to support myself if she dosent let me get any job expierence? my mom always yells sometimes for no reason and i just dont want to deal with that. i dont want to go into a group home so i dont wanna runaway cause then she will put a pins on me. i just wanna leave live on my own my aunt got emancipated when she was 15 ..so why cant i ? we both live in the same borough too. my other aunt got married at 14 but i dont wanna do that so early marriage takes time. but i would marry my boyfriend he 16 we been together for almost three years and he helps me get through my problems.

I have aa father but he llives in florida i tried living with him last year i stood with him for 4 months but it wasnt working out with him because he wouldnt let me be a teenager he took along time to get me enrolled in school and when i did finally went to school i met new friends and he wouldnt let me go out to the movies with them i couldnt do nothing. so i dont want to move with him again

please someone help me i reaally wanna get emancipated i will work ...i will try to make sure i support myself finacially 100% i will keep a steady home, i will bring my grades, i will do anything just to be emancipated..i just want a little faith . please someone help me. i just want to be happy
None of the reasons you have provided is a valid reason for emancipation in any state (not all of which will emancipate a minor to begin with). The fact that you do not have a job completely wipes out emancipation as an option in any case, since the first rule of emancipation is that you must be self-supporting.
You explained that you couldn't live with your father because "he wouldnt let [you] be a teenager." You say you won't live with your mom because she is always yelling at you.
I have interesting news for you... that is what it is like being a teenager. You are no different than other kids your age.
If you are having communication problems with your mother, I suggest you ask her to consider group therapy for the two of you. That may help improve your communication and hopefully decrease the yelling.
That being said, what are you doing to get your mother to yell at you? Could it be that you refuse to listen to her and she feels like the only way to get through to you is by yelling? Try communicating with your mother. I mean really communicating! That includes actively listening without the intention to argue.
Life may seem hard for you right now, but I promise if you were imancipated, it would be much harder. Oh, and don't marry your 16 year old boyfriend. I promise you that will be a mistake. You will understand later.
Best of luck.

thanks for the advice ...but i still dont think therapy would help ..and yelling is just not all of the story i just dont want to put more of the situation so the best way i had to explain it was saying she yells which she does ..but its just a partial part of the story ..n when my aunt was my age she had gotten emancipated in new york so why cant I ? and for my dad he cant take care of himself so that means he cant he cant even take care of me....i would still like to be emancipated i been wanting this since i was very little just never new a way out ..n this may be my only chance ...

p.s im not going to marry my boyfriend at a early age maybe someday we will get married but we are just happy the way we are right but thanks for giving me a heads up (ndragon)
Marry at early age? Meaning what? You canno tmarry without parental consent before age 18. By the way NY has no statute for emancipation so your Aunt was proably not emancipated but living on her with parental consent. If there was a statute then there isnt now
I'm sure you would like to be emancipated. However, that doesn't change the fact that you have posted nothing to suggest that it's a viable possibility.

Where is your budget showing how YOU are going to pay for rent, food, clothes and utilities, medical care and transportation and insurance? Where is your plan for working while going to school? A judge will want to see those, and they have to be already in place - "I'm gonna get a job" will not be acceptable.

Read this:

Little girl,
Emancipation is a big word with a lot of implications. I have read your letter and it sounds to me like you desire to be grown but you lack the education to do it. Your spelling and English need some work. You need to be studying and excelling in your school work while you have the chance. Do it now while you have no bills and little responsibility. It gets harder when you have to work. The yelling will stop when your mother can trust you to do what you say you're going to do. Stop putting your responsibilities off at home and help out around the house. I know 15 year olds. I've had two daughters so I know what I'm talking about. If you're not being beaten, sexually abused or otherwise--you need to stay where you are and finish your high school diploma. Make a plan and start thinking about your future. By all means--dump the boyfriend--you have no business getting married right now.
Remember this one thing--if you emancipate your mother, you may be breaking up your relationship with her permanently. Think about life without her in it. Forever is a long time to be without a family.
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