Parole, Probation I want to Request for Early Termination of Probation

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I was placed on probation on July 8th 2008 for Assault Causes Bodily Injury / Family Violence. I was placed on probation for 1 year with 40 hours of community service and I had to complete marriage couseling until my wife saw that we no longer needed it.
Well today is May 1st 2009 and I have almost completed the full year of my probation and have paid all my court costs and probation fees and have completed my community service. I want to try to Request for Early Termination of my probation. The reason I am wanting to do this is because the company I used to work for before I went to jail for the assault wants to hire me back and they have a position open at this time for me and need me back. I can get my license back to do the job because I did defered Adjuction and I need to know what I can do on my own without hiring a lawyer. Where would I find the forms to file the motion?

Please Help I really need this job back

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