I want to send money to Zambia

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New Member
While in Zambia, I met a group of people working in a Zambian not-for-profit. These people were extremely hard up for money. I would like to send money to these people. However, I do not want to go to all the trouble of forming a not-for-profit corporation in the United States. I have looked into the process and it IS RIDICULOUS!

Since I am a college student, I have a not-for-profit framework within to work. Can I organize student clubs who work under the umbrella of the university's not-for-profit status to raise funds for a Zambian organization?

Please help me! I can't start a not-for-profit at this time, but I can raise funds! I just need to know if it is legal for us to do this!

How about you piggybacking onto a non profit organization that already exists here that does similar work like you want to do in Zambia? Google it and see what comes back as information.
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