I was adopted and proposed Will seems unfair

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New Member
I was adopted into a family that already had 2 children. When the time came and both parents died their 2 natural children were going to receive about a 100k each and myself 30k. Our mother (I say ours, cause they got me at 6 days old and I am now in my 40s), has just died. So father is going to sell his house and the daughter hers, and buy one together. That will tie up his money except 50k he already has as premium bonds. So in future I would not be able to contest the will cause the monies would of already been given over to the daughter ( what the deal is with the natural son I do not know, and they are close so he would know all the details). I want to know what is allowed to happen in such circumstances. I guess it is a clever move on their part. I am as they know, not educated in any sort of such matters .
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