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The answer to that is that state can do that because it is doing it. If what you really want to know if whether you have any recourse for it — whether any of your rights were violated — then I suggest a visit to a Texas civil rights lawyer would be the place to start with this. You may try suing the state to remove the ban. During the course of the litigation your attorney will seek discovery from the state and that will end up revealing exactly why the ban was issued. But you'd have to spend a lot in legal fees to get there.

Bear in mind something: while you thought that you acted properly at all times while in the building, that may not have been how it appeared to others. Humans have the tendency to see their own actions differently than others do. Usually what they see of themselves tends to be more flattering to them than the reality, especially when emotions are running high. They believe their actions perfectly fine considering their motives and what they know of their situation. The problem is that others cannot read your mind to determine whether your cause is righteous or not. I've seen video of people yelling and otherwise being unpleasant to others. When they are asked about it, they don't remember yelling and being unpleasant. Then when shown the tape, they find themselves surprised at what they see. I don't know if you remember what you did accurately or not. I wasn't there to see what you did. I'm just offering this something to consider.

Other than pursuing your complaint, do you see any real need to go to that government building coming up in the next year? If not, then I suggest you simply let it go and let the year run out. It'll cause you less stress and cost you nothing to do that, and you wouldn't lose anything along the way.

One other question: after your first visit was unsuccessful, why didn't you try to contact the head of the agency involved in writing and/or contact your representive on the elected body that oversees the agency to resolve your issue instead of going back to the same people, who are just going to give you the same answer you got before?

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