I was banned from www.bigfootforums.com and demand to be reinstated


New Member
Hello I was a very active member of www.bigfootforums.com and just recently, either a moderator or administrator there banned me. Now, I can't log into my account nor post on their bulletin board.

Why was I banned? I dunno

I demand to be reinstated or I will sue. If push come to shove, i will file a civil suit. How do I go about doing this? Will I need an Attorney or can approach this as a D.I.Y.?
Hello I was a very active member of www.XXXXXXXXXXXX.com and just recently, either a moderator or administrator there banned me. Now, I can't log into my account nor post on their bulletin board.

Why was I banned? I dunno

I demand to be reinstated or I will sue. If push come to shove, i will file a civil suit. How do I go about doing this? Will I need an Attorney or can approach this as a D.I.Y.?
Sue for what? They don't have to allow you to post and they can toss you off for almost any reason. No Judge will force them to allow you back on the site.
I posted too quickly, let me explain. the bigfoot forum is dedicated to the north american ape, aka bigfoot aka sasquatch.

I have found bigfoot and have documented it's existence. IMHO, this site relies on the legend of bigfoot to continue. If it stops (like if the creature has been discovered) the site probably does not have a reason to continue on and exist.

I believe the Gigantor and Norseman (big wheels there) saw that I was getting close, too close if you get my drift. They want to be the hot shots and get very defensive when someone steals their sunshine.

I was just about to break the case regarding bigfoot, these two sensed it and banned me in the last minute. very much like nazi germany and Gigantor and Norseman are brown shirts that lay in hiding, just to pee in someone's wheaties

I want to sue the site, Gigantor and Norseman for my banning. This is not just some lil' online bulletin board snit, this is a giant scientific discovery that will forever alter the history books. Are you with me?
I posted too quickly, let me explain. the bigfoot forum is dedicated to the north american ape, aka bigfoot aka sasquatch.

I have found bigfoot and have documented it's existence. IMHO, this site relies on the legend of bigfoot to continue. If it stops (like if the creature has been discovered) the site probably does not have a reason to continue on and exist.

I believe the Gigantor and Norseman (big wheels there) saw that I was getting close, too close if you get my drift. They want to be the hot shots and get very defensive when someone steals their sunshine.

I was just about to break the case regarding bigfoot, these two sensed it and banned me in the last minute. very much like nazi germany and Gigantor and Norseman are brown shirts that lay in hiding, just to pee in someone's wheaties

I want to sue the site, Gigantor and Norseman for my banning. This is not just some lil' online bulletin board snit, this is a giant scientific discovery that will forever alter the history books. Are you with me?

"sensed it"? Like with ESP? :rolleyes:

They are legally allowed to ban you from the site. Nothing you have posted here changes that fact. If you have proof that Harry really exists then you are free to bring that proof to the Media.
Gigantor and Norseman need to pay for their online bullying! Would one of the attorneys here help me out by drafting an order of reinstatement? maybe they would read it, get spooked and let me have the account back? that would save everyone from a big and costly suit.

Also, an idea, if I get reinstated, maybe someone here could draft me up a Sieze and Desist order to prevent them from banning me again
I have found bigfoot and have documented it's existence.

If you have located a Saquatch - AKA- BIGFOOT, you're sitting on millions of US Dollars, British Pounds, French Francs, Australian Dollars, even Canadian Dollars.

Why waste your time with some obscure website?

As an adventurer, explorer, and discoverer of Sasquatch; you'll have universities, governments, REAL SCIENTISTS, anthropologists, etc... pounding on your door, ringing your phone, burning up your email; just to fund your research.

I suggest you retain an attorney and a CPA (to keep your wealth safe).

There will be Hollywood and movie deals, book deals, speaking engagements, and even television interviews. You'll need a public relations firm and a communications advisor just to make sure your branding is protected and secure.

Congratulations, mate, Charles Darwin is smiling and wants to shake your hand when you join him in the afterlife.
Gigantor and Norseman need to pay for their online bullying! Would one of the attorneys here help me out by drafting an order of reinstatement? maybe they would read it, get spooked and let me have the account back? that would save everyone from a big and costly suit.

Also, an idea, if I get reinstated, maybe someone here could draft me up a Sieze and Desist order to prevent them from banning me again
I suggest you read the terms of this site. None of the Attorney volunteers are going to draft such a ridiculous letter for you. There is no such thing as a "Sieze and Desist order" ...our Attorney Volunteers will also NOT draft you a Cease and Desist.

A web site does not have to allow you to be a member. The owner of this site could choose to ban you and there is nothing you could do to force him to allow you back. There is no court that would order the owner of a web site to allow you to post there. ,
This is the hilarious, you and you alone have discovered a mysterious ape like creature that has been the legend of countless cultures. Is this like the same creature known as the Fouke monster or a different type of ape like creature. I have been banned from multiple message forums before some intentional some not intentional. Honestly nothing you can do if they ban you but find another forum.
I want to sue the site, Gigantor and Norseman for my banning. This is not just some lil' online bulletin board snit, this is a giant scientific discovery that will forever alter the history books. Are you with me?

No, I am not with you. You have no basis to sue because no you have no legal right to be a part of that forum other than by the consent of the those who own and run the site. Just like you have the power to kick someone out of your home if they say something you don't like, a private message board forum has the right to kick off any participant who says something the owners do not like. If you sue, your lawsuit will get promptly dismissed and you may also find yourself penalized by the court for filing a frivolous claim.

Find another forum to post your bigfoot claims. There are lots of websites out there, after all.
Gigantor and Norseman need to pay for their online bullying! Would one of the attorneys here help me out by drafting an order of reinstatement? maybe they would read it, get spooked and let me have the account back? that would save everyone from a big and costly suit.

Also, an idea, if I get reinstated, maybe someone here could draft me up a Sieze and Desist order to prevent them from banning me again

Seize and Desist???? What? Is this Bigfoot writing these posts? Maybe Bigfoot banned you. Wouldn't that be a wicked pissah!!!
I demand to be reinstated or I will sue.

Sue for what?

If push come to shove, i will file a civil suit. How do I go about doing this?

You don't. While you certainly can sue, you'll lose and possibly be held to pay the other side's costs and attorneys' fees.

The website in question is a privately owned site, and the terms of service to which you agreed say that "The Staff reserves the right to terminate any user's membership for any reason at any time." It's no different than if I hosted a bigfoot discussion group in my home and kicked you out after an hour because I didn't like you. You have no right to be there and no basis for suing.

Will I need an Attorney or can approach this as a D.I.Y.?

Because you have no valid case, no competent attorney would take the case.

very much like nazi germany

You have got to be kidding.

This is not just some lil' online bulletin board snit

Oh, yes it is.

this is a giant scientific discovery that will forever alter the history books.

Cool. Then take it to legitimate news sources and publish your findings in a respected scientific journal. That's how real "giant scientific discoveries" are made public.

Would one of the attorneys here help me out by drafting an order of reinstatement?

Sure...Paypal me $2,000 and I'll draft an order. Of course, there is no such thing as an "order of reinstatement" or a "Sieze and Desist order," and an order that isn't signed by a judge is about as valuable as used toilet paper.
Gigantor and Norseman need to pay for their online bullying! Would one of the attorneys here help me out by drafting an order of reinstatement? maybe they would read it, get spooked and let me have the account back? that would save everyone from a big and costly suit.

Also, an idea, if I get reinstated, maybe someone here could draft me up a Sieze and Desist order to prevent them from banning me again

Look, the forum is basically a private club.

No one has the inherent right to be a member of a private club.

You can try to contact the site and inquire as to why you were banned. Most of your public posts seem inoffensive, but I have no idea what the site's TOS are.

If you want to make them "pay", start your own site and ban them as members.

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