Breaking a Lease I was pressured and forced into signing myself off the lease

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i was pressured into and force to sign myself off the lease. I want to move back in and get back on the lease. The head of the house hold never agree for me to get off the lease. The management company took me off the lease without the head of the house hold never agreeing to take me off. The management company is refusing to let me move back in and put back my name on the lease. They are violating my rights and taking my rights away. And they are discriminating against my disability.
Sorry, you could have said no.
If you had said no, the management would have been forced to take you to court to get you out.
You caved, too late to unring the bell now.
Better find another place to live.
You're not going to be allowed back there.
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It is really unclear why your disability has anything to do with this. If the new lease doesn't have you on it, and the other person signed it, they knew. Why are they refusing to lease to you?
You signed to be taken off the lease - probably not much you can do now.
It is really unclear why your disability has anything to do with this. If the new lease doesn't have you on it, and the other person signed it, they knew. Why are they refusing to lease to you?

I was pressured into signing my self off the lease. I got black mailed
Yeah, still doesn't make sense. Who pressured you? Why? Now you mention blackmail? Before it was because of your disability. Did the landlord try and get whomever you lived with to sign a new lease without you on it before the old one expired? Who is this "head of household"?
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