I was rear ended in a car accident and received neck injuries

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I was rear ended in a car accident and received neck injuries. I know that if someone rear ends you, they are usually at fault but his insurance is fighting the claim. Should I try to handle the case myself or hire a lawyer?
Did you report the accident to your ins. co.? You should always report any accident to them even if you believe you are not at fault. They will generally contact the other party's ins. co. & work things out. Let them handle. That is what you pay them for.
Agree. There should be nothing fur you to fight..... Unless you did not have insurance and have no representation.
If that is the case you should speak with a personal injury lawyer.
You should hire an attorney

You should hire an attorney.
The insurance company will try to use anything, including your own statements, to put some of the blame on you and disallow your damages.

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