I was told my position was being eliminated and then they posted it 5 days later


New Member

I was told on 06/21/2016 that my position was being eliminated and I was offered a months severance ( I did not even work there for a year, that should tell you they were paying me off alone) and then 5 days later I saw they posted my position through a local temp agency. Is this fraud? I signed it with the understanding that they no longer needed my position. They ended up needing it 5 days later? Plus, I am sure if the company emails were audited they called the temp agency sooner than 5 days. I took the stupid severance and I believe the 7th day to revoke was yesterday or I would revoke it today. The person who needs to receive the revoke is in california so it would not get to her in enough time. Help! Why do big companies get away with lying.
No employer is required to guarantee you lifetime employment.
An employer need not give you a reason, or even notice, to terminate your services.
That sword cuts both ways.
No employee is required to give notice to the employer when he or she decides to quit.
If you still desire to work, your best strategy would be to seek new employment.
You can also apply for UI.
The state will decide.
You got a severance pay out.
Most people terminated from a job get nothing.
Good luck.
Nothing you have posted is illegal. It is not fraud; it is not anything that will provide you with legal recourse unless you have valid and supportable evidence, and I mean evidence that will stand up in a court of law, that you were really fired for a reason prohibited by law (race, religion, national origin, etc.). Many employers will say, "position elimination" to avoid saying something like, "Boy, you really screwed up the Johnson account" or "we want your position for the boss's nephew" or even "we don't much like you and we'd rather have someone else". And yes, all three of those reasons are legal. File for unemployment and look for a new job.

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