i would like to kow the legal procedure or the answer to my question

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New Member
hello my name is samantha bendickson. i will be 17 on october 17 of this year. i was aquiring the answer or the legal process of me being able to move out of my parents house nd move in with relatives. i was wonderign this because i do not get along with my mother. i need to get out of the current situation that i am in. if you could get back to me ass soon as possible it would be gladly appreciated by me.
Samantha Bendickson
In most states you are not generally free to leave home until at least the age of 18. Since you did not post your state, we can only assume that you are in a state where the age of majority is 18 or higher. So, until you have reached this age of majority, you are subject to your parents' wishes.

If your state permits it, and you are capable of supporting yourself without financial aid or the assistance of others, AND going to school, you might be able to apply for emancipation. However, in most states that have emancipation, it becomes very difficult if the parents oppose this action. And a court is unlikely to grant you emancipation if your sole reason is that you do not get along with mom ... that's called 'being a teenager'.

Please post back with your state. And, understand that it is very unlikely that you can legally move out until age 18 as long as your parent(s) oppose it.

- Carl
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