ID Proof

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My sister passed away in April an I am the beneficiary of he life insurance which was just enough money for her funeral. As we both know insurance companies take forever to play those death claims so I had to borrow money from my 401K in order to burry her. I just found out that my name is spelled incorrectly Evan instead of Yvonne on the insurance policy and the insurance company want's me to provide proof that I am the same person. What kind of proof should I provide since I have nothing with Evan on it. Please inform thanks
My sister passed away in April an I am the beneficiary of he life insurance which was just enough money for her funeral. As we both know insurance companies take forever to play those death claims so I had to borrow money from my 401K in order to burry her. I just found out that my name is spelled incorrectly Evan instead of Yvonne on the insurance policy and the insurance company want's me to provide proof that I am the same person. What kind of proof should I provide since I have nothing with Evan on it. Please inform thanks

You would be much better off asking the insurance company for clarification on what documents they will accept to PROVE you are you.

There is no way that anyone but THAT PARTICULAR insurance company could know what is acceptable to them.

If you aren't Yvonne, you might want think long and hard about doing anything.

Insurance companies aggressively pursue anyone perpetrating fraud against them.

Evan is normally a male name.
Yvonne is normally a female name.
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