ID theft

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New Member
I live in Texas. On my bank account there were fraudulently transactions. I do however suspect several suspects. Can I release their info to the bank or other creditors. And how much of their information can I release to the creditors. If i do release their information could the suspects sue me if i give their info out or file a police report against me for anything or harassment if the creditor send them a letter. However on a few of the suspects I have been harassed by them and they have also given threats and death threats against me. If I release their info I feel it could elevate more. But the creditors wants a full copy of the report so they could get names of suspects that I suspect and what the police have done and everything. Can they get a full copy? Please help.
Have you filed a restraining order on these suspects that threatened you? If you want the bank to write off these fraudulent charges, then you need to cooperate and file a police report. An officer may go talk to them but unless there is sufficient proof they commited the crime, nothing may happen. If you report it though, you should be off the hook for the charges.
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