Idaho child custody

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New Member
My girlfriend wants to move in with me. I live in utah and she lives in idaho. She has a four year old son. The father refused to sign the birth certificate and has never paid child support but does take the son every weekend. Is there anything he can do to stop my girlfriend and her son from moving in with me? We have also told the father that i want to adopt the son and we will pay for the son to visit him at least twice a year. Does the father have any rights to stop me from adopting the son since he refused to sign the birth certificate?
Since it seems this man is not child legal Father no he canot stop the move most likely. The adoption issue is different in order for that to happen many many other thngs need to occur here are two

. You need to be married to Mom at least 6 months or a year
. Mom must find Dad and get his permission for adoption and terminate his rights
Since it seems this man is not child legal Father no he canot stop the move most likely. The adoption issue is different in order for that to happen many many other thngs need to occur here are two

. You need to be married to Mom at least 6 months or a year
. Mom must find Dad and get his permission for adoption and terminate his rights

I would also add, that mom must PROVE an alleged father to be the "putative" father, too.
Finding him is only a small part of this saga.
I would also consider and reflect on adopting any child from a woman I have known a short time.
If you are allowed to adopt, and your relationship ends, you're on the hook for child support.
Dad can immediately file to establish paternity and custody (given that he DOES have regular access to the child) and request that the child is IMMEDIATELY returned to home state pending the custody trial/hearing.

If he contests an attempt at a stepparent adoption, the adoption isn't going to happen.

Now, I do have a question. Why are you, OP, so keen on removing the child from his natural parent?
I have a great job that i love and pays very well. If i move then i loose my job. My girlfriend wants to move to be closer to her cousin and me of course. We are not trying to take the son away from his natural father. We even told the natural father that we would pay for the son to go visit. I want to adopt the son because i love him and want him to be taken care of in all aspects of life and i know that i can and will do that even if the mother and i don't stay together forever. Thank you all for your advise.
You're asking about an adoption. This would mean that Dad would have no rights to his child. So yes, effectively you're wanting to take the child away from his other parent.
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