Identity theft and faud

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My mom divorced my stepdad in 1985 then my mom passed away In may of 1992. Stepdad's sister passing around my social security number and birth certificate ordering credit and get her and her family utilities cut on then I just found out she was using my medical insurance billing prescriptions to me and I found payday loans that I never applied for...

I call volunteer lawyers network in Minneapolis Minnesota I spoke with a lawyer mary I told her that me and delores are not related and she used my information had she transferred balaces credit accounts and had loans she applied for in my name and utilities and credit vln network attorney's mary , she told me shes a mom like delores and she can relate to her, but wait theres a lean on my credit score and this lady robbed me of over a million and my life savings and tried to commit me into a psychiatric hospital then she tried to apply for benefits for me and son I just had and im not related to her..

she expressed how she never liked me and my mom and she just needed the money and she lied to get it. And on several occasions she attacked me viciously and she had her family jump on me pull my hair out and bite me and hit me with baseball bats. I tried restraining order and harassment order and it was declined and she keeps trying to sue me for money and my assets.
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I suggest you report all of this to your local police agency.

Don't call "911". Just go to police HQ and ask to meet with the duty detective.

The nice detective will visit with you and explain your options. Good luck.
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