Identity theft

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I am seeking advice on identity theft. I recently found out a few months ago that a relative opened 3 credit cards in my name. Although, 2 had a zero balance and were closed by myself, one had charges of 1200 on it. I called this company and they referred me to the fraud department of course.

My aunt signed a paper paying for half of the charges on this card. She intends to pay the other half at the end of this week. I have received papers by this company to sign an affirmation of forgery to prove that I didn't open this card or charge on it. Despite what has happened, I have no plans to press charges since my aunt admitted fault in this and has made good on her promise to pay off the card. Will I get in trouble for not signing these papers? Can the company still prosecute her even though I have not filed charges.

The paper she faxed in she signed to say that she did charge on this card and opened it under my name. Can they do anything about this if someone cooperates or could she still be prosecuted anyway even if the debt is paid and the victim doesn't press charges?

You aunt can be charged by the authorities since the crime was committed. Paying back the money does not guarantee immunity. But as others here have said, the chances of the company caring to go after a petty theft that has been repaid is small since they are mostly just concerned about the money. Get your aunt to pay it as soon as possible.

Originally posted by catsmeow2498
I am seeking advice on identity theft. I recently found out a few months ago that a relative opened 3 credit cards in my name. Although, 2 had a zero balance and were closed by myself, one had charges of 1200 on it. I called this company and they referred me to the fraud department of course.

My aunt signed a paper paying for half of the charges on this card. She intends to pay the other half at the end of this week. I have received papers by this company to sign an affirmation of forgery to prove that I didn't open this card or charge on it. Despite what has happened, I have no plans to press charges since my aunt admitted fault in this and has made good on her promise to pay off the card. Will I get in trouble for not signing these papers? Can the company still prosecute her even though I have not filed charges.

The paper she faxed in she signed to say that she did charge on this card and opened it under my name. Can they do anything about this if someone cooperates or could she still be prosecuted anyway even if the debt is paid and the victim doesn't press charges?

Re: no

Originally posted by The Governor
$1200 is far, far too low for them to bother with. Not enough zero's in that number.....
You never know although I am inclined to agree with you. That said, there is still an outstanding balance which is the bottom line here. If he is still on the hook for the money then they will go after him for the money. If it isn't paid then it will become a credit issue and potentially will go to a collection agency. That's the real issue here in all likelihood.
I have heard rumors that the authorities do not even investigate crimes if the amount is less than 40 times the $1200 above. I believe the Feds are only concerned with amounts with at least 6 figures.

Hits pretty hard on a working sap, to see criminals steal $10,000 and have no investigation from the Banks or police at all..........:mad:
The Governor said:
I have heard rumors that the authorities do not even investigate crimes if the amount is less than 40 times the $1200 above. I believe the Feds are only concerned with amounts with at least 6 figures.

Hits pretty hard on a working sap, to see criminals steal $10,000 and have no investigation from the Banks or police at all..........:mad:

Yes... this is very alarming. Unfortunately you need to raise a ruckus to move people into taking action. In clear cases of theft and fraud that are unprosecuted, a great resource is the news. Be VERY clear in setting out facts and evidence and you may get your prayers answered. Unfortuante but part of the help I try to provide to my clients is in thinking outside of the box... I wish you well and let us know if you have any success.
1/4 of a million in identity theft

Wrote 1/4 million in bad checks on no account checks.
Used fictitious social security numbers for 5 years.
Was finally arrested and charge in federal court with only 19 counts of id theft

Was on state probation when wrote all these checks.
Recommended sentece is 5 years probaton and 2000 dollars restitution.

who says identity theft does not pay. and pay well
There are new Federal and State Laws. All you have to do is file a police report and give it to the credit card company to be let off the debt. They will contact authorities and the authorities will decide whether to prosecute.
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