Other Criminal Charges & Offenses identity theft

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What is the penalty and charge for identy theft.

California considers identity theft to be a wobbler, which means that the offense may be punished as either a misdemeanor or a felony.

If punished as a felony, you face up to three years in prison and a maximum $10,000 fine.

If punished as a misdemeanor, you are facing up to one year in a county jail and a maximum $1,000 fine.

In most cases, wobbler or not, a person alleged to have committed Identity Theft never gets touched.

Sure, a few career criminals get smacked around, if there are no other charges and he or she has made someone mad, but generally; many skate. Why? Your state is in deep financial trouble, so they save their money for bigger, badder crimes.

Here you go, read all about 530.5 PC (Identity Theft):

There can also be other crimes alleged. How many and what manner of crime depends on what is alleged to have occurred, and how. Burglary is an offense commonly associated with identity theft when it involves entering a business or submitting information that is knowingly false in order to obtain some reward as can associated theft-related offenses and others.
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