If i dont have a job can i still get child support

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I dont have a job but had been getting money for support of my child from my ex up until october. I am thinking about putting him on child support. Would me not having a job affect that?
I dont have a job but had been getting money for support of my child from my ex up until october. I am thinking about putting him on child support. Would me not having a job affect that?

Your child is entitled to child support.

Its always smart to go through the state agency to ensure the child gets supported by BOTH parents.
No since we broke up he had been paying me every week. He just stopped in October because he said he didnt have money and would catch up and pay me the next month but he still hasnt and im not sure he has intentions on making it a priority any more.
Thats why i was thinking about putting him on child support but wanted to know if my lack of employment would cause me not to be able to get it or something
Texas now uses a straight percentage of the NCP's income.

The CP's income is no longer factored.
No since we broke up he had been paying me every week. He just stopped in October because he said he didnt have money and would catch up and pay me the next month but he still hasnt and im not sure he has intentions on making it a priority any more.

You can get child support two years back, I believe.

Of course, the child must be at least two years old.

Here is the Texas Attorney General's website:



They'll get your money for you, for FREE (well the taxpayers provide the funding), but they'll provide the lawyer to get your baby his or her money.

The child support he paid OF THE BOOKS, won't count against you.

The state considers that money a GIFT!!!!
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