Parole, Probation If someone flee's from parole are they wanted for life or is there a statue of limits

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My boyfriend decided to run from parole with 6 months left, will he always be wanted on a felony warrent or is there a statue of limitations on that in Colorado?
He will always be wanted and if you know where he is and do not tell if asked you can be in legal trouble as well
Parole absconders will theoretically appear as wanted person until their deaths.

If you know f his whereabouts,you're not required to disclose that information, because no one can know what is held within your head.

But, if you send him money, call him, write him, or in any way aid his continued flight from the authorities;
you could find yourself in trouble with sad authorities.

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Agreed, there is no statute of limitations on warrants. They are good until served or recalled by the court.
You won't get in any trouble for not disclosing his whereabouts, just don't aid him in avoiding arrest.
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