The car and the loan is in my name only. I am trying to decide if I should just go take the car from him instead of racking up more lawyer bills. My lawyer said they will make him pay, but I dont know how, or if I will ever see the money. I keep reading that he could be jailed until he agrees to comply with the court order.
I deduce by your post, that you live in PA.
He lives in SC.
If the agreement was part of a divorce proceeding, it is a civil matter.
The SC police won't do anything to him for a debt, that you allege he owes you.
I use the word allege, because until you prove it by hauling him before that court in PA, that is how the peoiple in SC will see it, too!
Now, I advise people NOT to engage in self help remedies.
Yes, if the facts are as you say, the car is legally yours.
But, you could go down to SC and try to snatch the car, just to prove a point.
Heck, by now, the car could have been trashed.
Bums and slugs like this, tend NOT to care for the property of others well!!!
If you do try to arrange this raid, be very careful.
Slugs like this tend to be violent, or hand around violent creatures that won't hesitate to do bodily harm to others.
Here is a thought, why not call the sheriff (and/or the local police ) in the area, and ask them what they would do (or could do) to assist you?????
Be careful, and Merry Christmas!!!