If you have been arrested, is it possible to...

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If one has been arrested on misdemeanor in the past, will she be able to work as paralegal? I mean, she has bachelor degree, just was stupid enough to shoplift once in the past and got arrested and was charged with pitty theft, and now she would like to study for paralegal, will she have chances to find job as a paralegal or she better do something else?
thanks a lot.
just wanted to add:
it was first arrest, had clean record till then, court ordered 40 hrs comminity service, take one day class, and pay $250. pleaded not guilty... does it make any difference?
I don't see why you could not work as a paralegal in a law office although working in government you are subject to different rules and requirements. You may want to see if expungement is available to you.
thelawprofessor said:
I don't see why you could not work as a paralegal in a law office although working in government you are subject to different rules and requirements. You may want to see if expungement is available to you.
thank you, thelawprofessor,
so if expungement is available then it is possible to become "clean"? and then when employers do background check it wont show? how about the question "have you been arrested?" should one put Yes or NO after expungement?
thanks again
I just recently came in contact with the same problem

2 weeks ago, I was arrested for shoplifting and charged as a misdemeanor. I have always wanted to become an attorney. I'm beginning school, focusing on family law. I have not decided yet if I am going to hire an attorney or not. I don't have money. I'm so afraid that i wont be eligible for expungement and it will effect my future career in law. :confused:
Sorry Illinois is where I am located

Don't know if anyone has any advice or info for me about my previous reply. Im located in illinois and my court date is in a week and a half
I don't know about the illinois rules, but a conviction for a crime of moral turpitude can and probably will be a very big problem for bar admission. You should definitely consult an attorney and try to get this thing resolved as positively as possible, and then you would have to contact the State Bar and find out about their rules pertaining to "moral character" and bar admission. Depending on the rules such a conviction might not make bar admission impossible, but it surely will be a major bump on the road.
hey can you guys give me your opinion on my topic please, which is "arrested for driving with suspended license (dwls) what can happen? " under >>> Criminal Law >>> Arrests, Searches & Seizures . thanks
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