Illegal apt.

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New Member
I am behind on my rent.My husband works at a country club and it is slow during winter.My landlord took me to court,and we were supposed to be out Feb.14.I was getiing help from an agency for rent arrears and my landlord was going to let me stay.It was then found out the illegal and because of this,I could not get any rental assistance.I got an order to show cause,and am going back to court on the matter March 2,2011.My point is I was going to get assistance,but because,through no fault of my own,and due to apt being illegal,I could not get the assistance.What can I do now?We dont have money to move yet.Also can I get me deposit from the realtor that rented me the apt.since its illegal?
One positive outcome of the apartment being illegal is that you will not be required to pay any arrearage that might have accrued.

The eviction action will not appear on your record, because the unit is illegal.

You should request the judge order the landlord to promptly refund any deposits being held by the landlord, realtor, or other parties involved.
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